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Welcome to the Weekly Report. This week: 1.  A glance at 18 candidates and PACs that are key to state Senate control and who gave -- a spreadsheet just for you, so you can see the numbers and who played both sides (not Las Vegas Sands, which is betting big on a GOP takeover) 2.  The Sue Lowden interview -- an exclusive transcript for you 3.  The Weekly insiders on smartest/dumbest moves of the week, Lowden's "Ralston Reports" performance and former Reidophilia, the city and county embarassments...
Words matter. Or they should, wherever they are, even in legal briefs. Perhaps it was the brandishing of laws prohibiting incest and bigamy to argue against gay marriage in a brief responding to a federal appeal. Perhaps it was asserting that Nevada laws encouraging “traditional marriage” actually “define Nevada society.” Or perhaps it was asserting that the 2002 constitutional ban on same-sex marriage “did not take away any right.” All of this may be technically "true" and legitimate lawyering...
Former state Sen. Dean Rhoads and ex-Assemblyman John Carpenter, two of the more respected and liked rural Nevada lawmakers, have signed onto an Elko fundraiser for Sue Lowden's lieutenant governor campaign. Rhoads, of Tuscarora, and Carpenter, of Elko, are listed on a fundraiser Lowden is having next month (see below).  She also has two conservative assemblymen, John Ellison of Elko, and Ira Hansen of Sparks, on the invite, as well as some local officials. The rural vote will be...
UPDATED: I have attached the full spreadsheet from NJ on Reid's voting record in the '80s. His pro-life positions helped bring him to the center, but on economic (hello, taxes), he was pretty liberal. UPDATED, 11 AM, SATURDAY: Late Friday night, Lowden put out a series of tweets in which she said she "misspoke" and meant to call Reid a "Reagan Democrat." Then she unloaded on her opponent, state Sen. Mark Hutchison. Here are the tweets: Sue Lowden ‏@SueLowden13h Or why he defended a...
After blowback from progressives near and far, Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto says she will reconsider her brief on gay marriage. Amazing. Check it out.   ATTORNEY GENERAL MASTO STATEMENT ON NEVADA’S SAME-SEX MARRIAGE CASE   Las Vegas, NV – Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto released the following statement regarding Nevada’s same-sex marriage case:   “A potentially significant case was decided by the Ninth Circuit on Tuesday of this week, the same day that a brief was...
This could put those Democratic elected jellyfish in a pickle. This weekend, as the state party convenes in Las Vegas, the state teachers union will try to get the Democrats to embrace a tax plan, a 2 percent margin tax, that its elected leaders have treated like it causes leprosy. This will be fun to watch. It could be as entertaining as...a GOP event. I bet the brave electeds will have a conniption. Here's what was sent to a select few today: If you know a teacher or have kids in school in...
Sheldon Adelson, who already is crusading to stop a federal green light for web poker, is escalating his effort. Andy Abboud, Adelson's chief lobbyist, told me Friday that Team Adelson is actively preparing to "block legalization state by state." "We are prepared to mount full campaigns in every state where a bill is introduced to legalize any form of online gaming," Abboud said. "We will also be doing education in all states to prevent the introduction of any bills." And, he added, "We are...
So stalwart pollster Glen Bolger has found the proposal for an appeals court has 55 percent support? Maybe. I have attached the poll memo here. I chatted with Bolger Thursday, and he was surprised by the result but also thinks it will hold if, as seems likely, there is no organized opposition. But might newspaper editorials hurt? On an arcane issue such as this, perhaps. But support in the rurals (61-36) and Clark (57-33) is robust with Washoe (41-46) surprisingly weak. Good news. It's long...
