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As the teachers union prepares for a Sisyphean fight to pass a new tax for education, the rest of organized labor is poised to roll the boulder back over them.
Sources confirm that the AFL-CIO, especially the 18 building trades affiliates, have decided not to support the tax it once enthusiastically backed. And Gail Tuzzolo, the longtime right-hand woman of AFL-CIO boss Danny Thompson, has become a paid consultant to the coalition trying to defeat The Education Initiative.
“It’s up in the air...
News that Gov. Brian Sandoval raised $3 million in six months not only cements his re-election but is an unprecedented number for an off-year in Nevada.
And don't forget: The governor raised about $1.3 million in the first two years of his tenure (he spent about half of that), so he's at $4.3 million raised. (I'm told he has about $3.1 million on hand, which is about $3.1 million more than anyone who will run against him.)
In a comparable filing in 2010, candidate Sandoval raised $900,000. It's...
Secretary of State Ross Miller has raised an eye-popping $880,000 for his bid for attorney general, I've confirmed.
That's even more than lieutenant governor hopeful Mark Hutchison, who will report north of $850,000.
So Miller and Hutchison surely will be Nos. 2 and 3 behind Gov. Brian Sandoval, who I'd say will be a seven-figure man.
Miller will face Adam Laxalt, who is the grandon of ex-Sen. Paul Laxalt and the son of ex-Sen. Pete Domenici and Michelle Laxalt, the senator's daughter, who were...
So maybe lieutenant governor IS the most important office in the state?
State Sen. Mark Hutchison will report more than $850,000 raised for the job usually seen as, to coin a phrase, a bucket of warm spit, sources confirm. That is sure to be much, much more than what ex-state GOP Chairwoman Sue Lowden or Assemblywoman Lucy Flores reports.
Perspective: Before he ran for re-election in 2010, Lt. Gov. Brian Krolicki reported raising $139,000.
It's good to be anointed by a governor protecting his...
In a preview of the campaign donnybrooks to come, state Senate Minority Leader Michael Roberson has put up unprecedented fundraising numbers, and state Sen. Justin Jones has served notice he is taking the fight for his seat -- and control of the upper house -- very seriously.
Here's what sources tell me:
►Roberson will report having raised $310,000 in 2013, a record-setting amount indicating he is taking both his primary (Carl Bunce) and potential general election (Teresa Lowry) challengers...