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Will the Democrats put another initiative on the ballot, and what will it be? Primary tabs View Edit Outline Results(active tab) Votes Yes, minimum wage increase   32% (49 votes) No   23% (35 votes) Yes, declaring Harry Reid "King of the World"   22% (33 votes) Yes, gun background checks   12% (18 votes) Yes, emergency room rate cap   4% (7 votes) Yes, same-day registration...
Welcome to the Weekly Report. This weeks's headlines: Sheldon Adelson thinks the 2016 Republican National Convention is coming to Vegas, Beers may alight on Neptune and Lowden mixes her rurals. Also: Smartest/dumbest moves of the week and The Weekly Insiders on the LG's race, Beers for Senate, web gaming blowup and the GOP pre-primary endorsements. Image of the week:   At the Humbault County Lincoln Day Luncheon in Battle Mountain w County Chair Alicia Price and Daxon Bakker
Rarely will voters be confronted with a more abysmal choice in November and on the most important contest on the ballot. When it comes to the margin tax, Nevadans will have to choose between relying on a school-funding measure that was poorly constructed and could have deleterious effects on the economy and leaving the task in the hands of a dithering, invertebrate Gang of 64, a k a the governor and the Legislature. This is not a lesser of two evils or pick your poison choice; this is asking...
The Guinn Center for Policy Priorities, whose goal is to be a moderate voice of analysis amid the usual political hysteria, has published its inaugural effort on the most incendiary political topic of the moment: The margin tax. The center, named for the late governor who was known for trying to be a voice of reason on many issues, has prepared a detailed and generally dispassionate document explaining what the tax is and what it isn't. It is attached here. But one conclusion -- that revenue...
I have previously reported that the AFL-CIO has flipped on the margin tax, now unwilling to back it after contributing to it and helping to write it. So why the revisionist history? Why the attempt to make it seem as if the AFL-CIO, which helped finance the initiative, now finds it to be some alien creation? Longtime AFL-CIO consultant Gail Tuzzolo told my producer, Dana Gentry, that the organization never supported the current iteration. That was before Karen Griffin, the spokeswoman for the...
