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The state Republican Party, under the unswerving, steady hand of Michael McDonald, didn't endorse candidates Saturday in Fallon after saner heads prevailed over the crazies. But a nominating committee, which I have told you was a set-up to hurt incumbents and be a list for McDonald's Citizen Outreach destructive puppeteers, released its recommendations, which I have posted here. Needless to say, it's something else, including endorsement nods for those running against Assembly and Senate...
Welcome to the Weekly Report. This week's headlines: The budget of a broke state party, the endorsement nominating committee reveals itself, a political group headed by Gov. Brian Sandoval and Sen. Harry Reid (what?), gauging the possibility of a margin tax deal, CD3's new rating, the gun owners rise, smart/dumb moves.   THE PARTY OF FISCAL CONSERVATIVES CAN'T BALANCE ITS BUDGET   I have obtained the budget for the coming year for the state Republican Party -- a premium exclusive! -- and it is...
There never will be another Pat Mulroy. No one will ever possess the unique combination of toughness, knowledge and indomitability, not to mention longevity, that Mulroy brought to her job as the water overseer of Southern Nevada. I almost started that previous sentence with “no woman” but then I checked myself because that would diminish how important Mulroy has been, a truly historic figure who could have been a credible candidate for governor (she thought about it a decade and a half ago)...
That and other gems come from the neverending clown show headed by Michael McDonald. Permit me to reprint his latest missive to the faithful, with helpful annotations: Dear State Central Committee Member,   There have been quite a few rumors circulating in the media and the blogosphere about the endorsing process that the Central Committee directed the nominating committee to develop. Today the Nominating Committee issued a release to address some of the errors, such as:   The Nominating...
Sheldon Adelson, the most successful gambling entrepreneur in history, is terrified. If web gaming is legalized, the self-made multibillionaire and mega-donor insists, big-name Silicon Valley companies will invest heavily in the business, eventually coming to dominate the market with their superior technology and global reach. States will smell money and levy taxes. And then it will happen: the apocalypse, sayeth the Cassandra of gaming soothsayers, who is putting his fortune where his crystal...
Sen. Dean Heller was on CNN's "Crossfire" on Tuesday and was asked about Ted Cruz filibustering the debt limit, which the Nevadan said he was wrong to do. And today, Heller voted to....filibuster the debt limit. I kid you not. Here's the CNN exchange in full:   VAN JONES, CROSSFIRE HOST:  Well, listen, we're excited because we actually have the threat to America's full faith and credit removed.  We can move forward, except your colleague, Ted Cruz, has now announced he is going to filibuster. ...
