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It's disingenuous. It's shameless. And it's good for Sue Lowden. The Nevada Republican Party's brain trust (misnomer alert) has purchased a billboard near Decatur and the 215 that will lead some to believe that Gov. Brian Sandoval is running on a ticket with lieutenant governor hopeful Sue Lowden when he actually has endorsed her primary foe, Mark Hutchison. This is conclusive evidence, not that any was needed, that Lowden's friends are pulling the strings for GOP boss Michael McDonald, who has...
"Press on, Southern Nevada. It's a new beginning." And so it, ahem, begins, the new ad for the still-alive Joint Operating Agreement between the Las Vegas Review-Journal, the one with the worst web site in the country, and the Las Vegas Sun, the one run by the would-be med pot baron and that prizes nightclub selfies. "We are fighting for you every day." Apparently by cutting staff. "And always remember, Press On." Although, with the soon-to-be-web-only Sun, it may be press off. Note: This is...
I’m not a suspicious guy. OK, strike that. I admit it: I’m a very suspicious guy. Anyone who covers politics should be. And being around government in Nevada for almost 30 years, I think I’ve earned the right. So when I see all these community luminaries, lobbyists and former politicians lining up  for The Great Green Rush, my antennae go up. It’s not just that I know, despite some of their professions of altruism, that they smell the money in medical marijuana and want to inhale. Estimates are...
Lieutenant governor hopeful Mark Hutchison has taken his social media campaign against Sue Lowden to television, with an inevitable ad assailing his primary campaign rival for her contributions to Sen. Harry Reid. The ad even uses a truncated clip of Lowden's mea culpa web ad "explaining" those Reid contributions. Not nice. This came up during Lowden's 2010 challenge to Reid, which never materialized because she lost in the primary to Sharron Angle. And PolitiFact approved. Lowden's argument,...
Three Mesquite residents say they have not seen any checkpoints in town as described by Rep. Steven Horsford but find the militia forces protecting rancher Cliven Bundy "creepy" and "unsettling." One of them, Tony Barron, said he agrees with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid that the militia types camped out near Bunkerville are “domestic terrorists” and that there were de facto checkpoints at the height of the standoff last month, which he said “had the feel of a wartime operation.” "My wife...
News item: Clark County Democratic Party convention takes a pass on The Education Initiative, opposes Common Core The state Democratic Party believes the best way to accomplish something – i.e. winning elections – is to stand for nothing. After this weekend’s Clark County convention, where they bought into Common Core conspiracies and danced away from the margin tax, the Democrats in 2014 showed they will rely on palaver and platitudes over commitment and substance. I would like to tell you how...
Welcome to the Weekly Report. This week: 1. What the new voter registration numbers mean 2.  More Lowden debt lawsuit docs 3. The med pot bonanza and transparency, an interesting Obamacare chart, a report from Bunkerville on the militias, Cliven’s video library 4. More Bundyville fallout, AFL-CIO and margin tax and LG developments 5. Smartest/dumbest moves and coming campaign developments   By the way, nearly all of my insiders agreed this is the most boring primary season in history. So you...
I have obtained a transcript of the latest Nevada congressional delegation meeting that took place in the office of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid last week: Reid: Welcome, everyone. Congressman Horsford is running a few minutes late. He’s on some MSNBC show. Dina Titus: Why do they always call him? I’m a damn professor. I’m not happy. Reid: Oh, stop it, Dina, or I’ll get Rory to run for something you want. Dean Heller: I don’t understand why I’m not on FOX more. Mark Amodei: Um, maybe...
