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  • Warning: date_timezone_set() expects parameter 1 to be DateTime, boolean given in format_date() (line 2062 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
  • Warning: date_format() expects parameter 1 to be DateTimeInterface, boolean given in format_date() (line 2072 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
UPDATE: Missed this but eagle-eyed reader points out Team Sandoval spelled "Nevada" as "Neveda" on his piece. See color cover below.   He is an immortal lock for re-election, a sure winner even if he proposed a billion-dollar tax increase today. But Gov. Brian Sandoval is still trying to build his war chest and take no chances two weeks before early voting starts, sending a mail piece late last week to remind people who he is, how he saved the state and brought the Democrats in line. The piece...
Sometimes Harry Reid is crazy like a fox. But sometimes he’s just crazy. I’m not suggesting non compos mentis, although I’m sure some Republicans, Bundyville residents and blog commenters might disagree. I’m saying that for someone who has long catalogued Reidisms, from the inartful to hyperbolic to nasty to just wrong, I don’t remember when the Senate majority leader has packed more “what did he say?” moments into one week. From his patently false exaggerations about his favorite brothers from...
I kid you not. What's below is a version of a web ad she has had out for some time. It is a response to this ad from Mark Hutchison. Yes, that's Hutchison, not "Hutchinson," as the ad below says. Oy. Also, when you are talking about donations to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, the bete noir of the GOP, you also are playing into the opposition's hands and raising your own negatives, too. Luckily, ironically, Lowden can only afford a paltry buy for this abomination. Below is the version...
Not a bad host committee for the ex-captain. MGM's Denice Miller, ex-Sheriff Jerry Keller and former Clark County Commissioner Chip Maxfield, along with a group of well-known developers and businessmen. Oh, and the attorney general.          
Against the backdrop of a national debate on the minimum wage, a Las Vegas lawyer has sued the state alleging that employers, aided by the state’s labor commissioner, have systematically evaded a requirement of a 2006 constitutional amendment to provide low-income workers with health care. The suit, which is posted here, could unmask a symbiosis between regulators and employers, whose lobbyists, as so often has occurred in Nevada, use the administrative process to undo legislative or voter...
That's what Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said during an interview with MSNBC's Chuck Todd that will air Friday morning. You see, that’s what distinguishes Adelson from the evil Koch brothers: They are greedy and Adelson is ideological. And if you don’t believe that – that is, you are alive – then consider Adelson also has one other thing the Kochs don’t: Nevada residency. And he may be the only human being who could change the calculus for Reid’s re-election bid in 2016. If anyone holds...
It's part of a national campaign.    
