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UPDATE: Mark Hutchison raised $400,000 and spent a whopping $920,000 in 2014. He raised $900,000 last year. Wow. Here's his report.
SECOND UPDATE: Sue Lowden raised $150,000, spent $250,000, must be waiting until after reporting deadline to put in money. Here's her report.
And here's the Flores report.
Not bad for her first foray into statewide politics.
Lucy Flores can say thank you to some guy named Harry and national Latino groups, I'd guess.
That should make her relatively competitive with...
UPDATED: Cegavske reported raising $100,000 and spending $50,000. She is way behind.
State Treasurer Kate Marshall raised more than $200,000 this year for the secretary of state's race and now has just shy of $400,000 raised.
SOS Ross Miller raised $370,000 for his re-election in 2010.
State Sen. Barbara Cegavske, the GOP nominee to come, has yet to file. She reported only $78,000 last year.
I will update with Cegavske's numbers when I get them.
The Republican attorneys general have one to assist Adam Laxalt, with a little help from lieutenant governor candidate Mark Hutchison's law firm.
And the Democratic lieutenant governors have one and have already given $5,000 to Lucy Flores.
Get ready for The Year of Outside Money.
The first mail piece is about education: "Mike Schneider is the leader our kids and schools need."
The Clark County Commission has nothing to do with education.
Minor point.
This is the first in a series designed to help the ex-state senator beat Clark County Commissioner Susan Brager.
I previously told you about this group.
The piece is attached here.
Mary Beth Scow just destroyed John Bonaventura.
UPDATED, 5/20/14, 10:45 AM -- New mailer from Sue Lowden pounds Mark Hutchison for dishonesty on Obamacare, continuing social media campaign. It's attached here.
Ah, the lieutenant governor's race: So elevating.
Mark Hutchison says Sue Lowden "had a hand in passing Obamacare," which may be the most ridiculous claim of a ridiculous season. See his recent mail pieces here.
And her latest spot tries -- tries! -- to exploit Hutchison's creation of the "personal injury lawyer" issue. But not...
Clark County, which is subverting the intent of the law by awarding medical pot licenses before the state can act, can choose locations but not who gets into the business.
That's the word Monday from state officials in a memo sent out to a listserv and celebrated by state medical pot guru Tick Segerblom, the senator who sponsored the legislation. "This was the original intent of SB 374," he told me via Twitter. I previously reported that Clark County had moved ahead of the state.
The key part...