Seven points about the Sun's profile of Assemblywoman Michele Fiore
Today's must-read, as painful as it is, is the Las Vegas Sun's profile of Assemblywoman Michele Fiore. Seven points: 1. Sometimes you just let a person talk. That's what Kyle Roerink did, and Fiore, as ever, indicted herself.
Let's not celebrate Nevada's recovery just yet
More on this Sunday in my column. Â
Key DC pundit changes CD3 rating to favor Heck
The Rothenberg Political Report has shifted its rating for Rep. Joe Heck's district from "Lean Republican" to "Republican Favored," which could be a blow to Democrat Erin Bilbray's fundraising. RPR is one of the more respected firms in the country, and its words are heeded in DC and elsewhere.
National GOP group targets Nevada Assembly, Senate
A national GOP group announced  today that it is targeting the Nevada Assembly and Senate as part of a small universe of legislative bodies to switch to Republican leadership.
SOS says anti-Roberson group should have filed disclosure report
Remember that independent expenditure group that ran those ads attacking state Sen. Michael Roberson near the end of his successful primary campaign? The ads were designed to help Carl Bunce, who ran Ron Paul's Nevada campaign and who ended up getting crushed by the Senate minority leader. Rob Tyree, another Paulite listed on the group that ran the ads, has refused to answer any questions about the ads.
More money and targeted, early-grade spending works for education? Who knew?
Sandoval disagrees with Laxalt's Yucca statement
It took awhile because he has been traveling and spending time with his family. But I finally got a response to my nearly week-old question to Gov. Brian Sandoval's office about whether the governor's choice for attorney general, Adam Laxalt, is right about Yucca Mountain. That is, was he correct in this passage from a piece by the Reno Gazette-Journal's Ray Hagar:Â