No, the BLT is not the same as Q3
You have heard the meme by now: Gov. Brian Sandoval’s tax proposal IS EXACTLY THE SAME as what the teachers union proposed at the ballot in 2014. This is what opponents of the Business License Tax, most of whom know little about it or don’t care, already are telling people, including, in some cases, their constituents. Of course it’s not true. Yes, the new proposal is based on a businesses’ gross receipts, as others have been, including Question 3. But that’s where the similarities end. Let me count the differences.
Treasurer Dan Schwartz suggests governor ignored will of people, proposes alternative budget
Treasurer Dan Schwartz, who threatened during the campaign to present an alternative to the governor's budget even though he is simply charged with making state investments, has done just that. And the treasurer's alternative $6.8 billion plan, which removes the new business tax and mining tax components and is $500 million less then Brian Sandoval's budget, is online here. My favorite parts:
Prevailing wage fight sets off first partisan fracas of session
Republicans keep redistricting on table as session begins
GOP leaders inserted redistricting language into the rules governing the 78th legislative session, a maneuver designed to keep an important bargaining chip in play while limiting mischief from within the Ass. GOP Caucus.
Debbie Smith to miss beginning of session with health issue
State Sen. Debbie Smith will not be in Carson City as the session begins because of what she told friends is a "serious health issue." Here's what she sent to friends last night -- it does not sound good:
Metro probe of political corruption involving Assembly Republicans moves forward
UPDATE, 2:30 PM: Guess who is registered to vote at that address where Metro served the search warrant? Rob Lauer, the failed GOP candidate for secretary of state a couple of cycles ago, according to Clark County Election Department records. Lauer also tried to get appointed to the Assembly seat vacated by Wes Duncan, who went to work for General Adam Laxalt. Lauer is alleged to be the person who approached Edwards about changing his vote, I'm reliably told. ----
GOP cannibalism update: Republican operative continues campaign with robocalls
GOP consultant Tony Dane has ramped up his campaign against Speaker du Jour John Hambrick with a robocall attacking him as a "tax and spend liberal" who supports a "gross receipts tax."
Business license fee plan unveiled

Gov. Brian Sandoval was about to unveil details of his tax plan, and Monte Miller wanted to be there.
AG says Nevada would "suffer economic discrimination against its citizens" under president's executive action on immigration
General Adam Laxalt's justification for Nevada joining 25 other states in suing the federal government over the president's immigration executive action is that the state "is obligated to provide drivers' licenses" to the beneficiaries and will "suffer economic discrimination against its citizens," according to the legal document he filed Friday.
WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Sandoval, Laxalt meet to discuss immigration suit
News item: Gov. Brian Sandoval says he will meet with Attorney General Adam Laxalt on the latter’s decision to join an immigration lawsuit. I have obtained, exclusively, a transcript of their meeting in the governor’s office: Sandoval: Good morning, Adam. Laxalt: You can call me “General.” Sandoval: I could. But I won’t. Laxalt: I hope you understand that you are not the boss of me, governor.