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  UPDATED, 11/25/15, 3:45 PM: Wynn reiterates opposition to web gaming (Laxalt invoked him on the program): Steve Wynn called Wednesday afternoon to tell me he thinks the AG is correct on RAWA: "Steve Wynn looks at this in balance as someone who looks at it as being bad for Nevada," Wynn told me. "It's not good for Nevada, the exposure outweighs whatever the murky notion is of profitability." Wynn, as he told me last year, was originally predisposed to the idea, but then talked to Sheldon...
An initiative was filed Monday in Nevada to increase the minimum wage via the Constitution, eventually to $13 an hour by 2024. The filing, from some (but hardly all) labor groups and progressives, is designed to erase a current constitutional provision that bifurcates the minimum wage, allowing employers who provide health insurance (including garbage coverage) to pay only $7.25 and others to pay $8.25. The wage would go to $9.25 if it were to pass twice, as required, and then go up 75 cents a...
Welcome to the Weekly Report. This week: 1. Group wants Reno to be resettlement area for refugees -- an exclusive look at the application 2. How state officials reacted to the refugee crisis 3. Uber vs. Clark County Cab Commission 4. Odds on: A. Faraday coming B. Susie Lee winning CD4 race C. Donald Trump winning Nevada D. The Assembly remains in GOP hands   5. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week   Especially good, thoughtful stuff this week from my insiders this week. They generally think...
The Nevada Conservation League is starting early in four Assembly districts targeted by Democrats, reminding voters of GOP legislators and their policies on public lands and support for outlaw rancher Cliven Bundy. The pieces below target Michele Fiore, Brent Jones, John Moore and Vicki Dooling. NCL.FiorePiece1.v4.pdf by Jon Ralston Ncl.fiore.piece2.v3 by Jon Ralston
After state GOP Chairman Michael McDonald was hired by his pal, state Treasurer Dan Schwartz for a six-figure job and then forced out, I wondered what he had done to earn $16,000 before his ouster. It took a few weeks to get an answer, but it is below and it is so revealing, via Schwartz deputy Grant Hewitt. The next time you hear Schwartz or any Republican talk about waste and fraud in government, ask about this, which is almost comical (I feel sorry for Hewitt, who is only the messenger.): "...
On the eve of the one-year anniversary of President Obama's executive action on immigration, SEIU and iAmerica Action, an immigrant rights organization, are launching a national campaign, with customized digital ads in Nevada. The campaign's national TV spot and Nevada digital ad (similar ones are running in Colorado, Florida and Texas) is below, targeting the GOP presidential candidates. Local groups also are having an event in front of Rep. Joe Heck's office on Friday with activists and...
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are way ahead in a new poll conducted for Morning Consult of registered voters in Nevada. This should be taken with a grain of salt because caucusgoers and registered voters are much different universes. And Nevada is very hard to poll, especially for low-turnout caucuses and especially on the GOP side. Those caveats in mind, the survey is very similar to one done by CNN a month ago that showed both Trump and Clinton with huge leads. The poll, done on behalf of...
Democrat Susie Lee has raised much more than anyone else in that crowded Congressional District Four primary, so she has decided to spend some of it. Lee, who has raised $650,000 ($100,000 of her own), dropped a huge mailer this week to introduce her relaively unknown self to primary voters and activists.  The piece, which you can see below, is pretty much boiler-plate stuff -- same old issues and vague promises, rainbow of faces, happy family. But it's so large (8X10 trifold) that voters won't...
All Chuck Muth does is abuse the legal process, try to raise money for his "causes," support puppets (Michael McDonald, Michele Fiore) and, yes, lose. It's time he was ignored. (And I should follow my own advice.) Ax the Tax.notice of Withdrawal by Jon Ralston
Ah, Victoria Seaman, you do entertain, if nothing else. Although her qualifications to legally assess what Erv Nelson is doing are suspect, her chutzpah is not: She writes in the blast missive below that her colleague "has decided to avoid facing voters in his home district," this after she left her home district to run for state Senate because she knew she couldn't get re-elected in the heavily Democratic area. Also: Use of "impact" as a verb. Disqualifying. This race is going to require much...
