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  • Warning: date_timezone_set() expects parameter 1 to be DateTime, boolean given in format_date() (line 2062 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
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The state Senate Democratic caucus will release a tax plan Monday based on adjusting the Modified Business Tax to hit mining and larger businesses, a reliable source said today. The plan would raise the payroll tax to 2 percent on mining, making it commesurate with financial institutions. Every business with a quarterly payroll of more than $62,500 will pay 1.5 percent (it is now 1.17 percent). The source says the tax changes will result in $255 million over two years. Additional changes from...
The Las Vegas Metro Chamber is vacating its Town Square office space to make way for a solar energy company that is moving here. That's according to a missive -- posted below -- that went out to members today. The company, SolarCity, announced in March it was moving to Nevada and was "scouting locations." I guess the scouts liked the chamber's digs. SolarCity already has lobbyists in Carson City -- The Capitol Company. And now it has space to operate, as the chamber helps contribute to the...
Much has been written about how the Hispanic vote helped Democrats in 2012, from President Obama to many down-ticket races. It was certainly true in Nevada, where the Latino vote helped many candidates and almost elected Rep. Shelley Berkley to the U.S. Senate. But in a piece Friday in National Journal, Hotline Editor Reid Wilson showed just how many Hispanic votes were left on the table in 2012. The premise of the piece is how the Latino vote lagged far behind the white vote in many states,...
Cook Report National Editor Amy Walter has said what Republicans in Nevada have learned the hard way: Nevada is a blue state. In a piece posted Friday, Walter argues that Pennsylvania is the much better bet for the GOP in 2016. The headline on the email she sent out:  "Sorry Nevada and Colorado: Pennsyvlania Is Key For GOP In 2016" In a chart linked in the column, Walter shows how Nevada has moved 6 points in a key measure of partisan voting behavior. She writes: The Romney campaign spent $8.9M...
UPDATED WITH DEMOCRATIC PARTY COMMENT AT BOTTOM One day after Speaker Marilyn Kirkpatrick introduced a measure that would tax movie tickets, the state Democratic Party has a petition drive going to help film star/producer Nicolas Cage get a tax break. Indeed, the petition link to "Help us help Nicolas Cage" is at the top of the party's site. And there was a breathless pitch to the party's email list to sign, which I have pasted below. Yes, I have made my feelings known on the spectacle of a...
UPDATE: I'm reliably told Democrats, as I reported previously on Twitter, are considering a corporate income tax component, perhaps on the ballot. The general idea is to use an expansion of the Modified Business Tax (payroll tax) as a bridge to a more stable solution. Can they pull it off? Imagine: A measure that would raise $350 million dedicated to lower education funding through adjustments to the payroll tax, a severance tax on mining and a new admissions tax passes the Legislature on May...
