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  • Warning: date_timezone_set() expects parameter 1 to be DateTime, boolean given in format_date() (line 2062 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
  • Warning: date_format() expects parameter 1 to be DateTimeInterface, boolean given in format_date() (line 2072 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
The letter was sent Monday, a day before the Clark County School Board made Pat Skorkowsky the new district superintendent. It came on the official stationery of state Senate Michael Roberson, but had three other lawmakers signed on, too: Speaker Marilyn Kirkpatrick, Ways and Means Chairwoman Maggie Carlton and Assistant Assembly Minority Leader Cresent Hardy. A bipartisan, southern letter of rec! How could the school board turn them down? Roberson tells me he only had time to obtain signatures...
"Knowing your interest in gun control, I wanted to give you an update on legislation I have cosponsored and supported rceently." Imagine how Nevadans felt when they received a letter that began that way from none other than Sen. Dean Heller, who voted against the Manchin-Toomey bill, saying he feared a creation of a gun registry despite his general support for the concepts in the measure. He was hailed by NRA types and blistered by gun control advocates. I wonder how many folks who received...
It hits all the right notes. I'm not at liberty to say who produced it -- at least not yet. But worth watching:
  This week, an attorney for failed arena developer Chris Milam asked two federal agencies for a lot of documents that he clearly hopes will explain why the BLM canceled a land deal with him earlier this month. What is he looking for? A connection to Reid the Elder (the majority leader) or Reid the Younger (the Henderson city attorney)? I'd guess so. But is he fishing, looking for something specific or simply devolving into conspiracy theories? The letters are attached here.  
By now, you know Gov. Brian Sandoval's mantra so well you don't have to be reminded (Hint: Same as Jim Gibbons', only people listen.). But when he sunnily says, "No new taxes," you notice something about Sandoval's assertion: He doesn't also say, 'No new fees." And that's because there are plenty of them in the budget he presented and most or all will be in the final package -- nearly $60 million worth. Some are large -- the unemployment insurance assessment is more than half of the total --...
