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  • Warning: date_timezone_set() expects parameter 1 to be DateTime, boolean given in format_date() (line 2062 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
  • Warning: date_format() expects parameter 1 to be DateTimeInterface, boolean given in format_date() (line 2072 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
The campaign for the most important item on the Nevada ballot has begun with a mailer to voters from the folks trying to kill what they call the “Margin Tax Initiative.” The piece, which is below, is quite something in what it says and what it doesn’t say. For instance: ►There is no such thing as the “Margin Tax Initiative.” It’s called “The Education Initiative.” I wonder why the foes don’t call it that. ►While we are talking about names, this group lists some of its members on the side of the...
UPDATE, 7PM: Now there is $5,000 more from 2012. Total now $31,000.   And now Reid is playing the aggrieved grandfather. Chutzpah: “My granddaughter has been the target of harassing phone calls, strangers tracking her down and knocking on her door and negative, unwanted attention on the internet. This has gone too far and it needs to stop now. I deeply regret any role I had in creating this situation but now, as a grandparent, I say enough is enough. “As I have already said, I am reimbursing...
This is the Sun op-ed I refer to below.      
An overwhelming number of teachers union members support the margin tax, although the membership is only marginally aware of it, a new survey of members shows. The survey, conducted by the union last week of 424 members and posted here, showed large numbers had not heard anything about the tax, whether it was called The Education Initiative (34 percent) or the margin tax (53 percent). Junkies sometimes forget it's not yet April, so maybe that's not too surprising. But more than 80 percent of...
Here's the letter sent today:    
The three amigos? You’ve heard Sheldon Adelson and Steve Wynn are against online gambling. Now, Atlantis chief John Farahi has joined the chorus, telling me Tuesday that he is opposed to web gaming. How opposed? “100 percent,” he said by phone. “1,000 percent.” Farahi said he recently convened a meeting of gaming executives and invited, among others, Adelson lieutenant Andy Abboud, to talk about the threat of online gaming. “Morally and for the health of our society, having gaming in people’s...
Update, 2:30PM: Reid will reimburse campaign: "I thought it would be nice to give supporters and staff thank-you gifts that had a personal connection and a Searchlight connection, but I have decided to reimburse the campaign for the amount of the expenditure.”   ----   The Federal Election Commission has sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's campaign, asking for more information on why he listed an expenditure of more than $11,000 $16,000 in "holiday gifts." The gifts, I have...
