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The BLM made the right decision to stand down after botching the roundup of Cliven Bundy's cattle, but the rancher is no victim, former state and national BLM boss Bob Abbey said. Abbey, who was national Bureau of Land Management director for three years before leaving in 2012 and was Nevada director for eight years, was part of an aborted roundup in 2012 before he left. Here's some of what he told me: On Bundy: Cliven Bundy and his family members are not the victims here.  It is the American...
Welcome to the Weekly Report. This week: 1. Exclusive insight into Bundy roundup from ex-national and state BLM boss 2. Analysis from The Weekly Insiders of the governor’s handling of the Bundy mess, Tom Collins’ erratic behavior and the judicial scandal story 3. Smartest/dumbest moves and coming campaign developments I have an exclusive for you, dear premium subscribers, on the Cliven Bundy/BLM mess that no one else has. You will see it first (although I will bring it out from behind the...
On the last day of his legislative career in 2001, Joe Dini invited me into his inner sanctum. I had been in his office many times to chat, not that he ever gave up much information. But this time was different. This was it. Mr. Speaker – he didn’t have the title anymore but he still was in spirit – did something he had never done before, as if to consecrate this as a special moment. He pulled out a couple of his familiar styrofoam cups, the ones he seemed to have up at the rostrum during most...
Hey, Reince, you know these numbers? Pretty obvious Dallas is way too liberal, much more than -- ahem -- Clark County:     Dallas100.0% Reporting B. Obama (i) Dem 57.1% 403,170 M. Romney GOP 41.7% 294,339 G. Johnson Lib 0.9% 6,680 J. Stein Grn 0.2% 1,752   Obama won Dallas County by 15.4 points.   PRESIDENT/VICE-PRESIDENT  \ Precincts Reporting: 1059 of 1059 (100 %)...
Tim Wildmon warns of a “Gay Gestapo.” Andrea Lafferty raises the specter of “Islamic shariah law at home and abroad.”  James Dobson foresees the apocalypse if gays are allowed to marry, saying it will "destroy the Earth.”  These people? These people! So now the lines are as clearly drawn as they could be in the battle of good vs. evil, a k a the fight between the obvious site for the 2016 Republican National Convention and those who would try to frighten the RNC away from Las Vegas. The...
One day after Clark County Commissioner Tom Collins referred to some Utahns as "inbred bastards" and warned of violence if they came to support rogue rancher Cliven Bundy, his colleagues were mulling whether it's time for an intervention. Collins' bellicose comments were first exposed on a website designed to support Bundy. Collins confirmed to me that he made the comments to Piute County Commissioner Darin Bushman, but said he was only concerned about violence. "He called me yesterday morning...
