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In case you missed it (and you probably did), the primary season ended. In case you care (and you should), the general election season has begun. Well, sort of. As the lucky flee to their SoCal or Tahoe summer escapes and as everyone at home hopes politicians will leave them alone until Labor Day, here are THE 10 questions about the November election, which we need to complete before answering the more important one: Will Harry Reid run for re-election? 1. Will Prince Harry’s machine be enough...
New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker came to town Saturday for a major fundraiser for Nevada Democrats. This is part of the reason why the state GOP can't keep pace with the Party of Reid. But I'm sure Nevada Republicans can get a rock star speaker soon. Is Niger Innis available?  
Like many of us, the Reno Gazette-Journal's Ray Hagar is curious about Republican attorney general hopeful Adam Laxalt's legal career as he is running to be the state's top lawyer. Laxalt has only lived in Nevada for about three years and not much is known about him, unlike his foe, Secretary of State Ross Miller. Hagar first asked on "Nevada Newsmakers" for Laxalt to release his military records and performance reviews, then wrote a follow-up piece that posted Thursday night. It is astonishing...
When the story was first posted on the Las Vegas Review-Journal's site on Thursday morning about a new study detailing how Cliven Bundy's standoff had encouraged radical right-wing extremists, the newspaper twisted it to comport to its-anti Bureau of Land Management world view: "National group criticizes BLM's handling of Bundy standoff." As I pointed out, this was an outrageous distortion of what the Southern Poverty Law Center had done. Shortly thereafter, the RJ changed the online headline...
“More money for education and better healthcare,” the flier greeted voters in Senate District 20 this week. Below the headline on the door hanger were bullet points about a candidate who sponsored “legislation to increase gold mining taxes to fund public education,” “supports class-size reduction and better pay for our teachers” and who “led the fight to expand Medicaid to cover 500,000 Nevadans.” So which Democratic incumbent is using this traditional pitch to activate the base to vote for him...
The Southern Poverty Law Center has released a report that reinforces how Cliven Bundy's standoff with the Bureau of Land Management has emboldened the radical right. The report piggybacks off reporting and analysis by J.J. MacNab in Forbes that shows the ties between the Bundyville horde and sovereign citizen movements.The SPLC piece, headlined, "War in the West: The Bundy Ranch Standoff and the American Radical Right," also condemns politiucians and pundits who enabled Bundy by giving aid and...
