Monthly archive
Welcome to The Weekly Report.
This week:
Smartest/dumbest moves of the week?
Most interesting thing you heard or read about Nevada politics this week?
Odds Sandoval relents and endorses Laxalt, and why?
For fun: What do the following people do if they lose? Laxalt, Heller, Roberson, Rosen, Sisolak.
Some great, funny, brutal stuff from my insiders on what the losers will do; consensus that at most Sandoval does a tepid endorsement of Laxalt. My take: He could do a “I support the GOP ticket”...
Welcome to The Weekly Report.
This week:
Smartest/dumbest moves of the week?
Most interesting thing you read/heard this week in Nevada politics/government?
Thoughts on the RGJ poll?
Thoughts on the Aaron Ford revelations? How damaging on a scale from flesh wound to fatal?
Insiders believe (as do I) that it’s inconceivable Ford did not get out in front of these revelations easily available to an oppo researcher. Some think (and it’s hard to argue) that he may need a blue wave to win.