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Welcome to The Weekly Report.
This week:
1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week?
2. Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week?
3. Does the Guinn Center study change anything on Q3?
4. Who is the person a politician should least want mad at him or her in Nevada? Who are the next two?
Praise for that "spineless senator" ad, skepticism the Guinn Center report will affect much (I think it helps the NO side a lot more.) and Sheldon name-checked as person to be feared...
Welcome to The Weekly Report.
This week:
Smartest/dumbest moves of the week?
Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week?
Your take on the Sisolak-Vermillion-Laxalt-Gentile letter story? Good for Sisolak because sends message or good for Laxalt because raises the issue? Or neither? Your take and feel for that race right now.
Somewhat anemic response from the insiders this week -- I guess insiders take vacations, too! But some good stuff nevefrtheless.
Welcome to The Weekly Report.
This week:
Smartest/dumbest moves of the week?
Most interesting thing you read or heard this week?
SCOTUS: Any thoughts on impact on 2018 elections here? Too early to tell? Or not?
Your thoughts on Dennis Hof: Does he chew up enough scenery to be a problem for the GOP this year here? Or does it subside?
Hof will be a problem, my insiders, think, but for everyone. (I agree). Too early on SCOTUS – I still think edge is to the Dems.
Oh, and by the way, you are among...