Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Michele Fiore and John Moore. Take them. Please. (Sorry, Henny.)
Fiore, who is busily preparing a congressional bid (Health plan: Treat all cancers as fungi!), and Moore, famous mostly for being a Fiore echo, have each endorsed two candidates now in the presidential race. So, too, has Fiore's BFF, Victoria Seaman.
Oh, GOP Ass. Caucus. I have missed you so.
Today, Moore, of all people, the man who shouldn't even have been in Carson City except Jason Frierson fell asleep and was swept away by 40 votes in the red wave, was the subject of a tug o' war between the Ted Cruz and Rand Paul campaigns. This would be comical if it were not so sad, like Moore himself, a guy who was probably the biggest nonentity in the 2015 Legislature and who almost certainly will not return.
A squabble over John Moore's endorsement. As the gleeful Democrats pointed out: "Not an Onion story."
In essence, as he did during the session, Moore is mimicking Fiore.
Back in July, Michele of the Thousand Gaffes and Tax Liens co-hosted an event for Carly Fiorina. It was at a time before the Carly boomlet, and it was no surprise she could only land the GOP Ass. Caucus. Also on that list: Victoria Seaman, the third amigo in that unfortunate trimumverate.
But just two weeks ago, Ted Cruz announced his "Nevada Leadership Team," and the first two names: Michele Fiore and Victoria Seaman.
My goodness. The constancy here is remarkable.
I hear all three may be signing up with Ben Carson next week.....
Fiore, who is busily preparing a congressional bid (Health plan: Treat all cancers as fungi!), and Moore, famous mostly for being a Fiore echo, have each endorsed two candidates now in the presidential race. So, too, has Fiore's BFF, Victoria Seaman.
Oh, GOP Ass. Caucus. I have missed you so.
Today, Moore, of all people, the man who shouldn't even have been in Carson City except Jason Frierson fell asleep and was swept away by 40 votes in the red wave, was the subject of a tug o' war between the Ted Cruz and Rand Paul campaigns. This would be comical if it were not so sad, like Moore himself, a guy who was probably the biggest nonentity in the 2015 Legislature and who almost certainly will not return.
A squabble over John Moore's endorsement. As the gleeful Democrats pointed out: "Not an Onion story."
In essence, as he did during the session, Moore is mimicking Fiore.
Back in July, Michele of the Thousand Gaffes and Tax Liens co-hosted an event for Carly Fiorina. It was at a time before the Carly boomlet, and it was no surprise she could only land the GOP Ass. Caucus. Also on that list: Victoria Seaman, the third amigo in that unfortunate trimumverate.
But just two weeks ago, Ted Cruz announced his "Nevada Leadership Team," and the first two names: Michele Fiore and Victoria Seaman.
My goodness. The constancy here is remarkable.
I hear all three may be signing up with Ben Carson next week.....
(Image from