Don't vote for these people: An unusual voter guide
A news release came out Tuesday afternoon giving voters a guide to who the small-minded, intolerant, no-solution political arsonists are that Republicans should oppose in the primary. The release didn't say that explicitly, but the language is very clear: These are people with no business in public office. Rarely is a voter guide provided that tells voters who to oppose, but this is it. Very helpful of them to lump the Know-Nothings together:
Super PAC known for trying to turn Hispanics to GOP goes after Cortez Masto with brutal radio spot
A Super PAC trying to help Rep. Joe Heck defeat the woman who would be the first Latina ever elected to the U.S. Senate is trying to peel off Hispanic voters with a new radio ad.
Business state Democratic chairwoman oversees targeted by Berners
Irate Berne Sanders supporters did not just leave threatening voicemails and texts for state Democratic Party Chairwoman Roberta Lange but also launched an assault on the businesses she oversees, the owner says.
NV Democrats file complaint against Sanders campaign to DNC
The state Democratic Party has filed a stinging complaint with national Democrats over the "explosive situation" and "paranoid fantasy of fraud and delegate theft" created by Bernie Sanders supporters at Saturday's state convention, warning it could be a harbinger of what's to come in Philadelphia in July.
Sample of voicemails left for state Democratic Chairwoman Roberta Lange

One caller suggested she would be hung or burned. (He brilliantly left a callback number.) Another suggested she is a "corrupt b--tch." Still another said it will come "back to bite you in the ass." This is what State Democratic Party Chairwoman Roberta Lange has been subjected to since Bernie Sanders supporters became incensed at Saturday's state convention. I have posted three of the vociemails here -- there are more to come. They are incredible. Warning: Language.
The sour grapes revolution that rocked the Paris Hotel
On the eve of the Nevada Democratic Convention in Las Vegas, Friday the 13th as the calendar would have it, Bernie Sanders issued a news release asking for good fortune on that traditionally unlucky day.
REALITY CHECK: A "C" for Michael Roberson's ad about Danny Tarkanian
The end of Vegas journalism, Chapter 5,091
Three huge stories broke in Nevada on Wednesday and the two Las Vegas newspapers revealed their journalism bankruptcy. The trio: 1. The Gaming Control Board filed a complaint against Sheldon Adelson's Las Vegas Sands that will result in a $2 million fine, the fifth-largest in state history.