Speaker Frierson names Benitez-Thompson majority leader, Bustamante Adams as Commerce chair

Jason Frierson, who is returning to the Assembly as speaker after a shocking 2014 loss, will have Teresa Benitez-Thompson as his majority leader, providing an all-minority leadership team that also encompasses both urban regions, sources tell me.

Irene Bustamante Adams, who led the caucus until Frierson was elected speaker-designate, will be speaker pro tem and chair the critical Commerce Committee.

Here are all the assignments:

Speaker Designate – Assemblyman Jason Frierson
Speaker Pro Tempore – Assemblywoman Irene Bustamante Adams
Majority Floor Leader – Assemblywoman Teresa Benitez-Thompson
Assistant Majority Floor Leader – Assemblyman Nelson Araujo
Majority Whip – Assemblyman Michael Sprinkle
Chief Deputy Majority Whip – Assemblyman Tyrone Thompson
Assistant Majority Whips – Assemblywoman Ellen Spiegel and Assemblywoman Heidi Swank
Committee Chairs
Ways and Means – Assemblywoman Maggie Carlton
Judiciary – Assemblyman Steve Yeager
Corrections, Probation and Parole – Assemblyman James Ohrenschall
Commerce and Labor – Assemblywoman Irene Bustamante Adams
Government Affairs – Assemblyman Edgar Flores
Natural Resources, Agriculture and Mining – Assemblywoman Heidi Swank
Education – Assemblyman Tyrone Thompson
Health and Human Services – Assemblyman Mike Sprinkle
Legislative Operations – Assemblywoman Olivia Diaz
Taxation – Assemblywoman Dina Neal
Transportation – Assemblyman Richard Carrillo
