Heller will oppose Reid's judicial nominee
Sen. Dean Heller plans to oppose a judicial nominee pushed by his colleague, Harry Reid, and whose law firm gave $150,000 to a PAC linked to the majority leader. Heller will vote against Jennifer Dorsey, using the this story by the Review-Journal's Steve Tetreault as the reason. here's the statement I obtained from Heller:
Milam's company files suit in DC federal court to get land sale denial overturned.
UPDATED, 5/16: Development consultant Mike Ford, who worked with Chris Milam on the arena land deal, had this to say about the lawsuit against the feds:
PUC says no to NV Energy juice bill
I've seen some odd news releases in my time, but never have I seen one like the one Sens. Kelvin Atkinson and Mark Hutchison put out this afternoon attacking the Public Utilities Commission.
Hispanic, Asian activists launch not-to-subtle push to get Heller on immigration reform
You have to love the first of the five reasons a group of activists listed today to explain why Sen. Dean Heller should support immigration reform: "The number of Latino and Asian voters is growing rapidly in Nevada." I see they get right to the policy, eh? Ah, subtlety. The list of five reasons was released after a conference call cooordinated by DC folks who want immigration reform passed -- a call populated by locals who probably have never and will never support Heller, so I am sure he will listen closely to their advice:
BLM scotches deal with Milam

ANOTHER UPDATE, 5/14: The city of Henderson has provided correspondence from City Attorney Josh Reid, attached here, that indicates it would not object to Milam (or his old company, Silver State Land) getting the land. The key part:
Don't forget the outrageous attempt to chill the media closer to home
At its heart, the story of the Department of Justice grabbing journalists’ phone records is of an abuse of power – an attempt by an administration to discourage leaking by seeking the source through a fishing expedition of reporters’ private communications.
Motion Picture Association, Las Vegas Speedway, golfers, others oppose admissions tax
The Motion Picture Association of America has written a letter to oppose the proposed admissions tax, saying it could raise the cost of movie tickets as much as a dollar. The MPAA letter is among several missives posted before Tuesday's joint Assembly/Senate hearing and all of them can be found here. The speedway has gone all out, with letters and a PowerPoint. And the Reno Rodeo wants an exemption. This could be quite the spectacle at 1 PM.
Apocalypse for golfers!
If you golf in Nevada, get ready to panic. Your world is about to end -- or close to it. Get to Carson City, but don't bring your clubs! Here is the breathless email that went out today:
Legislative Democrats just keep getting smaller and smaller
The Democrats just keep getting smaller in Carson City.