AG responds to Dane's attorney with legal arguments; Dane's attorney responds to AG with bizarre attack

In the ongoing attempt by the secretary of state and the attorney general to probe GOP activist Tony Dane's suspicious quarter-million-dollar PAC contribution, the AG pointed out that the subject of the probe's lawyer apparently missed the point. The attorney then responded, in what seems to be his style, with a bizarre, invective-filled letter that attacked Attorney General Adam Laxalt and -- sniff -- some "blogger" who broke the story. Ralston and Laxalt, together again, for the first time!
Laxalt: This is not about immigration; it's about the president
In testimony slated to be given Wednesday before the House Judicary Committee, Attorney General Adam Laxalt plans to try to steer the discussion away from the political hot button of immigration to "the President’s attempt to change the law through unconstitutional executive action." According to the attorney general's testimony submitted to the panel and which I have obtained and posted here, he will say:
Dr. Fiore is in: Cancer is a fungus that can be flushed out!
I think we should start a betting pool on just how many insane effusions will come out of Assemblywoman Michele Fiore's mouth every week. Last week it was the "hot little girls" on campus remark to the paper of record. And now we have a new one for the gaffiest lawmaker ever, who already has said psychotropic drugs will be a major focus for her this session.
Nevada matters in immigration debate
Two disparate events Wednesday will showcase Nevada with the ongoing immigration reform debate as a backdrop.
On the passing of Ed Vogel
Ed Vogel loved people. That made him different from many journalists. Ed Vogel loved human interest stories.
RJ editor to staff: Clean your desks and wear nice clothes because the new bosses are coming!
You may have heard that the Las Vegas Review-Journal, the state's largest and least complete newspaper, has been sold after many budget cuts and with fears of more to come. The new owners are coming to visit next week, so the staff has been advised to clean up and look sharp. Here's the memo:
Fiore: Campus carry OK because booze banned on campus, and other idiocy
Michele of the Thousand Tax Liens and the Mouth That Gored (Herself) talked to The Chronicle of Higher Education. Read it and weep.
Final constitutional officer tally on Sandoval tax plan: 1-3-1
Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske has no position on the governor's tax plan for education, leaving Lt. Gov. Mark Hutchison as the only constitutional officer elected in The Sandoval Sweep backing the titular head of the GOP.
Back on TV!
Veteran Reporter Jon Ralston Joins PBS Stations in Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval Scheduled as First Guest
Update on two key bills: Bond rollover/prevailing wage and voter ID
Here's what's happening on two GOP bills driving Democrats batty: ►SB 119: The bill to allow school bonds to automatically roll over and remove prevailing wage requirements from school construction is in limbo in the Assembly after passing the Senate on a party-line vote. Why? Here's what sources tell me: