Culinary backs veteran police union lobbyist for Brooks' seat
With racial politics thick in the air, the Culinary union has endorsed a longtime police union lobbyist to replace expelled Assemblyman Steven Brooks in the Legislature.
National transportation group: 86 percent of Reno/Carson roads, 56 percent of Vegas roads in disrepair

No kidding! Those are the findings of TRIP, which will be releasing the data this morning in Carson City. I have advanced copies of the releases and the report, attached here.
AG to tax department: You can't pierce collective bargaining agreements if you take over NLV finances
That's the gist of an opinion I have obtained that the attorney general signed last week. It tells the state taxation department it does not have the authority to open collective bargaining agreements, and it also says if the tax department is forced to raise city property taxes in an emergency, the usual abatements do not apply. Welcome to North Las Vegas, Mayor John Lee. The opinion is attached here.
Separation of powers or separation of politics?
Not since 2003, when a governor sued the Legislature, has there been such a sizzling separation of powers debate percolating in Carson City, one that could determine myriad political and policy fates.
Roberson gets new LCB opinion: You can do what you want, executive branch can't interfere
That's the gist of a new legislative legal opinion that mining taxman Michael Roberson obtained shortly after news broke of executive branch analysis that could block an alternative to the margins tax from the ballot. It's all about the power of the Legislature to do what it wants. There is a real separation of powers battle brewing this session, unlike any we have seen before. The opinion is attached.
Incumbent all win except for Buck, who is crushed
From county site: FINALS, 10:00 PM
Governor/SOS/AG agree: No ballot alternative to margins possible
UPDATED BELOW WITH STATEMENT FROM SEN. MICHAEL ROBERSON AND FRIENDS, REAFFIRMING (THEY SAY) LEGISLATIVE SUPREMACY: That's the gist of an exchange of letters I have obtained and posted here. Some good reading. Bye bye mining tax alternative. Hello, margins tax campaign. Unless the Legislature passes a tax package..... ROBERSON ET AL STATEMENT:
Pathetic turnout continues on Election Day
UPDATED NUMBERS, AS OF 3 PM 8,125 total voters By city: NLV: 1,571 Mesquite: 337 LV: 2,795 Henderson: 3,422 This will be updated later: After three and a half hours (as of 10:30), here are the numbers: 2,843 total voters By city: NLV: 612 Mesquite: 80 LV: 1,037 Henderson: 1,114
New "newspaper" "site" gets less than rave reviews
Yes, it's a small sample, but: