Congressional hopeful Innis has tens of thousands of dollars in IRS, state tax liens and civil judgments

In a post about why he is running for Congress, Republican Niger Innis declared, "It's time our Republican Party had a fighter who can clearly communicate the enduring Conservative principles limited government, free markets, liberty and personal responsibility."
Senators probably will amend reports but believe Israel trip not a gift
After this Las Vegas Sun piece by Andrew Doughman and the follow-up attack by Sue Lowden, I expect the lawmakers who went on the trip to Israel will amend their financial disclosures, even though they believe they are not required to do so.
AG candidates on the gay marriage brief
I tried to find out what attorney general candidates Ross Miller and Adam Laxalt would have done had they been the governor's legal counsel in the Ninth Circuit Appeal of that gay marriage brief.
State to lose $2 million in stimulus money after health information exchange money shuts down
The state's health and human services department, which received a $6 million stimulus grant more than three years ago, is leaving a third of that money on the table after an information exchange shut down Friday.
MY SUNDAY COLUMN: Sandoval, Cortez Masto set state back with gay marriage brief
Words matter. Or they should, wherever they are, even in legal briefs.
Lowden garners support from two venerable rural ex-legislators
Former state Sen. Dean Rhoads and ex-Assemblyman John Carpenter, two of the more respected and liked rural Nevada lawmakers, have signed onto an Elko fundraiser for Sue Lowden's lieutenant governor campaign. Rhoads, of Tuscarora, and Carpenter, of Elko, are listed on a fundraiser Lowden is having next month (see below). She also has two conservative assemblymen, John Ellison of Elko, and Ira Hansen of Sparks, on the invite, as well as some local officials. The rural vote will be disproportionately large in the small universe of the June GOP primary.
Lowden: Twenty-five years ago, Reid was a "Reagan conservative" (UPDATE: Now she says she misspoke)
UPDATED: I have attached the full spreadsheet from NJ on Reid's voting record in the '80s. His pro-life positions helped bring him to the center, but on economic (hello, taxes), he was pretty liberal. UPDATED, 11 AM, SATURDAY: Late Friday night, Lowden put out a series of tweets in which she said she "misspoke" and meant to call Reid a "Reagan Democrat." Then she unloaded on her opponent, state Sen. Mark Hutchison. Here are the tweets:
Cortez Masto to reconsider gay marriage brief
After blowback from progressives near and far, Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto says she will reconsider her brief on gay marriage. Amazing. Check it out. ATTORNEY GENERAL MASTO STATEMENT ON NEVADA’S SAME-SEX MARRIAGE CASE Las Vegas, NV – Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto released the following statement regarding Nevada’s same-sex marriage case:
Teachers to make pitch this weekend to Democrats on tax plan
This could put those Democratic elected jellyfish in a pickle. This weekend, as the state party convenes in Las Vegas, the state teachers union will try to get the Democrats to embrace a tax plan, a 2 percent margin tax, that its elected leaders have treated like it causes leprosy. This will be fun to watch. It could be as entertaining as...a GOP event. I bet the brave electeds will have a conniption. Here's what was sent to a select few today:
Adelson declares war on web gaming in states, will "make it the plague"
Sheldon Adelson, who already is crusading to stop a federal green light for web poker, is escalating his effort. Andy Abboud, Adelson's chief lobbyist, told me Friday that Team Adelson is actively preparing to "block legalization state by state."