High court hears lawyer's smear job on journalist
There was an interesting debate before the state Supreme Court on Tuesday about the limits of the Nevada shield law. But while the justices probed the legal issues, the case before them still can be simply distilled: Should a lawyer be able to abuse the legal process by fabricating allegations about a journalist reporting on a client, with the intent not to seek justice but to harass and intimidate, thus chilling the coverage?
End of Days blog

Mayors Against Illegal Guns goes after Roberson
I have no doubt that part of the reason state Senate Minority Leader Michael Roberson introduced a gun control bill (sans background checks) was to try to be able to blunt mail pieces next year that will be sent out against Republicans who opposed Democrat Justin Jones' bill. Well, 2014 came early as Mayors Against Illegal Guns, which is pushing the Jones bill and started an ad to push Gov. Brian Sandoval, has a full-blown field operation now in Roberson's district. And it inlcudes just the kind of mail piece, dropping this week and attached here, that the good senator feared.
Buffett/NV Energy deal cannot be affected by power company's major bill
The pending agreement between Warren Buffett and Nevada's power monoply specifically states that the passage or failure of SB 123, its controversial coal-and-regulation-disappearing bill, has no impact on the deal. That's according to an SEC document filed this week and posted here, which states in part (see ppg. 61-62) that a litany of occurrences cannot have an adverse effect on the deal, including:
Mayors Against Illegal Guns goes after Sandoval on guns
I doubt it will make much difference, beyond generating a lot of calls to Gov. Brian Sandoval's office, but here it is:
Buffett's company to acquire NV Energy
UPDATED WITH HARRY REID QUOTE: "I've spoken to Warren Buffett, Michael Yackira and Phil Satre and it is not often I have been as enthused about a deal as I am now. I am elated. It is really good news for Nevada that Warren Buffet wants to invest $5.5 billion in our state. He told me that he loves Nevada and now has an excuse to come here more often."
Ensign, parents fined $54,000 for payments to Hamptons
UPDATE III: On May 19, in a letter to the FEC, Sen. John Ensign's campaign acknowledged unreported contributions to his campaign from...his parents. But, amazingly enough, the letter also takes a shot at his former treasurer and lover, Cindy Hampton, for not "previously reporting" what the senator would later claim were "gifts." If only she had known..... The letter is attached here.
Clark County Commissioner Tom Collins celebrates his birthday by asking for money
Clark County Commissioner Tom Collins is term-limited, but he's having a birthday, so he's putting the arm on folks for his PAC (P.S. -- No need for campaign finance transparency law that make sense in Nevada). My favorite part for the future candidate for lieutenant governor (uh huh):