Sheldon Adelson takes next step in campaign against web gaming
Gondolier Numero Uno Sheldon Adelson, through his company, has erected a new web site to point out the putative evils of Internet gambling. The site,, has a video that begins, "In the history of bad ideas, this has to be one of the worst...."
Reid invokes Las Vegas DREAMER, wife's father in immigration speech
I don't care how you feel about Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid or immigration reform, but try not to get choked up (he did) reading about DREAMer Astrid Silva and Landra Reid's father -- he invoked them both in his floor speech before the bill passed 68-32. UPDATED: Video and transcript below: Â
Passage of gay marriage resolution in 2015 no sure thing in Nevada
The future of gay marriage in Nevada may rest on the shoulders of Ben Kieckhefer. The Reno Republican surprised many on the night of April 22 when, after remaining silent as most Democrats made dramatic speeches, voted for SJR 13, which repeals a ban on gay marriage and mandates governments recognize such nuptials. The vote in the state Senate was 12-9.
Site readers: Sisolak is getting in
Which person will run for governor?
Reid plans rally to pressure House on immigration reform
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will hold an immigration reform rally at Culinary union headquarters on Monday, a few days after the U.S. Senate is expected to have passed a bipartisan measure. The event -- flyer attached below -- will feature perhaps the House's most prominent Latino leader, Illinois' Luis Gutierrez, who has been to Nevada before and is sure to remind the crowd about the state's burgeoning Latino population and how it played and will play a pivotal role in elections. The Culinary's membership is half Hispanic.
Sacramento Bee exposes more cases of patient dumping, accuses feds and state of whitewash
The Sacramento Bee isn't done yet embarrassing Nevada's mental health system. After weeks of stories that highlighted unattended patients being bused from Rawson-Neal in Las Vegas to other cities, the California capital newspaper showed Sunday that James Flavy Brown was hardly an abberation.
SOS Miller sends a 3,000-page love letter to GOP group
You may recall that Secretary of State Ross Miller has been taking guff from a GOP-aligned group that clearly wants to stop him -- or at least wound him -- before he becomes attorney general.
How Dean Heller learned to love immigration reform
Sen. Dean Heller was adamant about the DREAM Act.
Adelson: Web poker is a "cancer waiting to happen," poker is not a game of skill and his rivals support it because they need the money
One day after he penned a scathing op-ed in Forbes about online gaming, Gondolier Numero Uno Sheldon Adelson called web poker a "cancer" and derided itd description as a game of skill in an interview with Bloomberg News.