Sandoval vetoes background checks bill
As expected, it came today. The veto message is attached.
New immigration poll results released to try to influence vote
Later this morning, a coalition pushing for immigration reform will release polling nmbers designed to gather more votes for the measure -- looking at you, Sen. Dean Heller.
Tom Collins doesn't want you to miss him being kicked out of the South Point
Tom Collins is term-limited. But he may be running for lieutneant governor, even likely after this.
Cortez Masto won't run for LG, likely won't be on ballot in 2014
In big news that will affect the 2014 political matrix, Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto says she will not run for lieutenant governor -- and sources tell me she also has decided not to challenge Gov. Brian Sandoval. "I am definitely not running for lieutenant governor," Cortez Masto told me when I asked her about what I had been told. She would not confirm (or deny) that she also has opted not to run against popular Gov. Brian Sandoval, but several sources say she has communicated her decision not to be on the ballot in 2014.
Heller begins to file amendments to immigration reform bill

UPDATE: Two more Heller amendments, attached here, that his office says will "safeguard Nevada tourism": Amendment #1234: Requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to submit a report on how DHS intends to implement a biometric entry/exit system for ten highest-volume airports.
All bills will be acted on by Friday
There was some confusion, but I've confirmed from Gov. Brian Sandoval's office that he will act on all legislation by Friday. That would comport with the Constitution, which says (emphasis added):
A tale of two bill signings
Test your political IQ: Gov. Brian Sandoval invited the media to one of these bill signings -- which was it?
Heller on gun bill: “What we’re doing is criminalizing any private transaction by gun owners"
In an interview with a rural newspaper, Sen. Dean Heller indicated he is unlikley, under any cricumstances, to support a background check bill. Here's what he said to The Ely Times:
Tributes pour in for Vucanovich
Here are some of the statements about Barbara Vucanovich, the former congresswoman who passed away Monday at the age of 91: Her mentor, ex-Sen. Paul Laxalt: