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  • Warning: date_timezone_set() expects parameter 1 to be DateTime, boolean given in format_date() (line 2062 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
  • Warning: date_format() expects parameter 1 to be DateTimeInterface, boolean given in format_date() (line 2072 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
Maybe the city of Las Vegas wasn’t trying to go out of its way to help Key Reid, simply because he’s the senator’s son. Maybe Reid the Younger is right to be suspicious of how the city has allocated soccer fields in the past, especially because a three-year-old audit eviscerated the process. And maybe Las Vegas officials, whipsawed by warring soccer factions that make animal rights activists look neutered, simply were trying to navigate an impossible situation complicated by a supplicant with a...
Those videos from the anti-union group designed to embarrass the Culinary after picketers abused tourists in front of the Cosmopolitan, were the subject of a segment Thursday on Megyn Kelly's new FOX show. Kelly introduced the story about "some angry union members with an ugly message," which actually is not unfair. The rest was fairly predictable, with the story follwoed by set-up-to-bash-unions panel. I really believe what I told the producer in my snippet in the coverage on FOX, which is...
Peggy Pierce always scared me a little bit. She was diminutive in stature. But she always seemed coiled, ready to unleash a verbal arrow at any sign of a lack of purity, any false equivalency that THEY might be right and she might be wrong. She was intense, smart, passionate. And, most of all, fearless. She brought all of that to her long battle with cancer before finally succumbing early Thursday morning at the age of 59. Nevada thus lost what it has rarely found: A deeply principled liberal...
On the same day he made those comments about the shutdown, Gov. Brian Sandoval penned a letter to all six members of the Nevada delegation, urging them to end the shutdown. The letter essentially repeats the themes he articulated to reporters Tuesday about the potentially devastating impact of the shutdown. But it's surely no coincidence he also wrote this letter the same day, although his office made no effort to release it and I only knew about it because he mentioned it in a speech Wednesday...
Back in 2009, Brian Sandoval would have fit right in with the House Tea Party caucus. He was no Yoho. But the then-GOP contender for governor was against all taxes at all times under any circumstances and treated Arizona’s SB 1070 as if it were holy scripture.  He was as right as right can be. Now, having morphed into Sandoval 2.0 last year, the governor reinforced this week that the candidate who ran the first time and the governor who is about to coast to re-election are radically different....
Western Nevada College President Carol Lucey, who announced in July she would resign next year after another legislative gutting, today declared she was not waiting around for a successor and is leaving immediately. In a memo to higher education officials, Lucey expressed dismay that a serach had not yet begun for her successor: "You will recall that I shared with you in July that I would be stepping down from the Presidency once a national search had been conducted, a successor named, and a...
