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Many elected officials and others are paying homage to one of Nevada's great historical figures, attorney Bob Faiss, who died after a long battle with cancer Wednesday, just before midnight at the age of 79.
UPDATE: Services will be held at 3 PM on June 13 at the historic Fifth Street School in Las Vegas.
UPDATE 2: I've added a beautiful piece by Control Board boss A.G. Burnett.
I will be updating this as I get more encomia:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
Nevada is a much better place...
This will be your place for early voting numbers, updated every morning throughout the fortnight.
Final, final 11 percent.
UPDATE: Rural turnout is high on GOP side -- 25 percent of total. The rurals are 20 percent of total GOP registration. Clark is at 55 percent; registration is 60 percent. Washoe is at 20 percent; registration is same.
What does this mean? If you believe Sue Lowden will do better in the rurals because of Mark Hutchison's record on mining taxes, it could help her.
DAY 14, IT'...
An all-out, eleventh-hour effort is underway to oust State Sen. Minority Leader Michael Roberson, whose controversial initiatives and in-your-face style have made him plenty of enemies.
Roberson, who was thought to have a sizable lead over Ron Paul campaign operative Carl Bunce, is not simply rolling over in the wake of the ground and air assault. He has field master Billy Rogers in the district and a new ad (see below) to respond to Friends of Bunce, who have this on the air.
The effort to...
UPDATE: The arcane process for commissioners to deliberate is at least open for view. Now attached here.
At 5:20 PM Tuesday, after a day-long Clark County Commission review of the rules the board will use in choosing lucky medical marijuana winners, the business license department sent an email:
During Item 62 of Tuesday’s Clark County Board of Commissioners meeting, mention was made of a “Blue Book” containing the Clark County Business License Department’s Review Comments of Medical...
As Republicans Sue Lowden and Mark Hutchison are bashing each other, Democratic lieutenant governor contender Lucy Flores is releasing a video that tells her life story. It's damn good:
SECOND UPDATE: Team Nevada Engaged did register late Monday with SOS for political activity. Registration is attached.
UPDATE: SOS told me it was same group, but Chris Dyer, who is on Team Nevada, says it is a different group. If so, not registered with SOS for political action. Team Nevada Engaged is listed on the business side, with Robert Tyree, another Pauilite, listed.
An independent expenditure group run by Ron Paul acolytes will begin airing an attack ad Tuesday against state Senate...
UPDATE, Monday, 6/2/14: As if any more evidence were needed, the "properties" on the pdf of the bill indicate the author was "dsatz." That would be lead Caesars lobbyist David Satz.
UPDATE, THURSDAY, 3 pm: Despite rumor-floating by some poker newsletters, this is not a Sands bill. It's a silly suggestion as Sheldon Adelson, unlike Harry Reid and Dean Heller, is an aboilitionist. "It is not our bill, nor do we support it," said Sandsman Andy Abboud.
Meanwhile, I have all but confirmed that...