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  • Warning: date_timezone_set() expects parameter 1 to be DateTime, boolean given in format_date() (line 2062 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
  • Warning: date_format() expects parameter 1 to be DateTimeInterface, boolean given in format_date() (line 2072 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
10:17 PM: THE END 6 PM: Almost done. The big tax break bill passed without any senator standing to say a word except for Majority Leader Mo Denis. Seriously. How do members of both parties justify not explaining their votes on such a history-making (for good or ill) measure? My guess is this silence does not happen in the Assembly. We are outta here tonight, barring something unforeseen, he said, realizing he shouldn't be saying it.       4:30 PM: Assembly not in, but I am told issues with AB2...
The Culinary union has entered the race to save state Sen. Justin Jones, with an excellent piece distributed this week, and the state party has continued its pummeling of challenger Becky Harris with three new mailers. The mail is jamming boxes already. The spending here, as I have said, will exceed seven figures. All attached here.    
Good morning, everyone. Just a quickie this morning, dear Flashees, as I prepare to fly back to Vegas the day after the earth moved (actually it is still moving at Lance Gilman’s place, and I don’t mean one of his brothels). In 30 years in Nevada, I’m not sure I recall an event quite like Thursday’s, when the Capitol teemed with people who wanted to hear about the Tesla announcement or wanted to be seen hearing about the Tesla announcement. It took a long time to get to that moment when Gov....
Good morning, everyone. It’s hard to judge any enterprise from the first installment, whether it’s “Breaking Bad” or “Orange is the New Black” or----“Meet the Press, the Chuck Todd Era.” And it’s always good to have the president as your first guest. Todd asked some good questions, and I really liked how he broke it up to have each subject placed in context by experts. And having BuzzFeed’s John Stanton and Cook Political Report’s Amy Walter on shows Todd knows who knows stuff. Good luck to a...
Good morning, everyone. T-minus six or seven hours until the governor releases the special session proclamation, declaring it will start at noon Wednesday. Lawmakers are scrambling to raise money (GIVE ME MONEY BEFORE MIDNIGHT!) while also reaching out to constituents to get their “input” even though, as I have said,, very few will vote against the Tesla deal. As they do their Frasier Crane impressions to their voters (“I’m listening”), the policy folks (hello, MK) will prepare to publicly vet...
Good morning, everyone. Will it be like when JFK was shot or Neil Armstrong walked on the moon? I will always remember where I was when I learned of the Tesla decision. I was having coffee at my favorite Summerlin Starbucks with Dina Titus aide Caitlin Teare when I got the text. Lawmakers had just been briefed on the news, and the Carson sieve was leaking. (Thank goodness.) I rudely interrupted the conversation with Teare, texted a few folks, made a call or two and confirmed and put it out at ...
Good morning, everyone. If this were happening in Boston, in New York City, in Los Angeles, in Seattle, it would be a major scandal. But when academic freedom is threatened on a university campus here, it is ignored by both newspapers (or close to it). So the gaming/business community directs what happens on campus and can indirectly pressure professors, and all the “newspaper” can muster is the weak sauce of its FIRST story about any of this on Wednesday. What kind of outlet ignores the study...
